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To create a platform to foster open communication and discussion among biologic coordinators in Rheumatology. This does not reflect the views or policies of any individual practice or NORM as an organization.


Information obtained through the biologic coordinator forum shall not be construed as professional and/or legal advice from the National Organization of Rheumatology Managers (NORM). Moreover, information obtained through this biologic coordinator forum does not necessarily represent the views, positions or policies of NORM and shall not constitute an endorsement of any kind. In no event shall NORM be liable for any direct or indirect damages resulting from a loss sustained in connection with information posted on this biologic coordinator forum. This is an unmoderated biologic coordinator forum. Contributions to the biologic coordinator forum by active biologic coordinator forum members are processed immediately and not held for posting approval. By utilizing this service, you acknowledge and agree to the tenets of this Disclaimer.


  1. Please be considerate and respectful in all written responses.  Using emotion, humor or cynicism may be well-intentioned, but may be hurtful to some.
  2. The information posted in the forum shall not be shared outside the biologic coordinators participating in the forum and their practice.
  3. Post in most appropriate topic/category.  Using the most appropriate topic and not “General” will be helpful to anyone who is trying to reference a past post.
  4. Due to federal regulations we are not permitted to discuss any financial information, i.e., reimbursement or profit margin details or contract specific details in the forum.
  5. Please refrain from replying “Thank You” within the forum.
  6. To ensure confidence, privacy and to promote an open exchange of information between members, NORM prohibits the solicitation of fellow participants. Overt solicitation, misuse of the forum for business development, marketing, political endeavors or sharing of participant information with non-participants without the prior approval of NORM is strictly prohibited. Repeated violations may result in removal from the forum.
  7. All post to the forum should be non-political.
  8. If there are any forms that are pertinent to the discussion, please have your manager approve the release of the form before sending out. Share with Tammy Bulger at [email protected] and ask her to share with members.

  • As a speaker at the first ad hoc meeting of rheumatology practice managers gathered in a single small room at its infancy a decade ago, I’m amazed to see how NORM has blossomed into a high energy organization of depth and professional meetings with parallel break-out symposia between plenary sessions. NORM has truly come of age. This is where the “business” of rheumatology gets learned. The ”guildmanship” for rheumatology practice management is now strong.- Paul H. Caldron, DO, FACP, FACR, MBA, Arizona Arthritis and Rheumatology Associates
  • In a time of demanding changes in the management of medical practices in the US, NORM has been a lifesaver to the community of Rheumatology practices.  NORM has allowed our practice to stay ahead of the many demands of CMS and others payors and has ensured that our practice remains cognizant of new issues that arise in HIPPA compliance, human resources and medical billing to name a few. Sending our Practice Manager to NORM's conferences has been cost-effective and beneficial to our practice because she returns to our office with an abundance of information that otherwise would have taken months to compile. Every Rheumatology practice that wishes to stay on top of emerging issues in practice management should consider sending a member of their staff to NORM's conference.- Michael S. Rosen M.D., Chester County Rheumatology PC
  • Thanks to all those wonderful people in the NORM Network who respond to emails, offering their advice, experience, time, and support ... I haven't even been a member a full year yet and I am amazed at the dedication of everyone who responds to helping via emails and the NORM Organization itself! I have barely had a chance to explore the resources and I have yet to really dive into requests for help still I am silently learning so much and do occasionally offer what I can! Thank you all!- Cheryl Piambino, Kenneth E. Bresky, DO

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We’re adding value to practices across the nation by creating a thriving community of rheumatology managers and physicians.

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