Today is Rheumatoid Awareness Day! This is an important day because it is one of the few chances rheumatoid arthritis practices can promote education and awareness for this disease at the same time as other medical practices and organizations. By raising our voices together on the same day, we have the chance to make a bigger impact and teach others about this often misunderstood disease. If you’d like to celebrate Rheumatoid Awareness Day, there’s still time! Here are three things you can do that each take five minutes or less. By taking part in the following activities, you’ll help raise the profile of Rheumatoid Arthritis, offer support to those suffering from this disease, and educate others about the signs and symptoms so they can get the help they need.
- Share a Button or Image on Social Media.
You can find buttons and images via the Rheumatoid Patient Foundation. These simple graphics are eye-catching and engaging, and will grab people’s attention much more quickly than a text update. Humans are naturally drawn to images, so an image of a Rheumatoid Awareness ribbon will make people less likely to scroll by without reading. Include a caption explaining what Rheumatoid Awareness Day is, why it’s important, and how rheumatoid arthritis has affected your life.
- Like the official Rheumatoid Patient Foundation Facebook Page.
This Facebook page has over 13,000 members and is full of great information and helpful conversations. Following along is a great way to support the foundation and keep yourself informed. The best part? They don’t just update on February 2nd. This page is active year-round, which makes it an incredibly valuable resource for patients and their families.
- Join the Rheumatoid Awareness Twitter Chat.
Twitter chats are a great way to talk to others in the rheumatology world and share information and resources. This chat will take place at 5PM Eastern time on Thursday, February 2nd. To join in, simply log in to Twitter, then follow and use the hashtag #rheum. If you missed the chat, never fear—you can still click the hashtag, read the conversation that took place, and find some new people to follow based on their responses.
We hope these ideas help you celebrate Rheumatoid Awareness Day by educating and supporting those who live with this disease every day. As a final act, take a second right now to put it on your calendar for next year. Until then, we’ll continue to post articles and tips for helping your patients every day of the year.
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