Many believe what happens in the exam room is the most important part of a doctor’s appointment, but it’s actually your waiting room that sets the stage. Because patients spend a good deal of time in waiting areas, a good first impression is key. And with the medical field being a competitive one, a comfortable waiting room can help your practice stand out. Here are four ways to make your waiting room more appealing, comfortable and arthritis-friendly
Invest in comfortable seating.
It is important that people with arthritis are comfortable, so invest in some quality seating. There is no “one fits all” furniture solution that is completely comfortable for everyone. Take the time to research adjustable seating that can be manipulated by people with various body types. Ensure other pieces of furniture such as tables are spaced appropriately so visitors can easily maneuver around.
Provide unmatched technology.
One way to set yourself apart from other medical offices is by utilizing superior technology. Ensure your patients have access to Wi-Fi and include some charging stations around the waiting room. People are busy, and busy people like to multitask. Help them use their wait times to be productive.
Set up a coffee and tea bar.
Studies have shown that the smell of coffee can improve mood, reduce depression and ease stress. Keeping this in mind, a medical waiting room is the perfect space for a coffee bar. Having the comforts of home will make patients feel welcome and help ease their anxieties.
Add welcoming décor.
Details are essential, even when it comes to waiting room décor. Another way to help your waiting room stand out is by adding personality and distinction with art work, rugs, and throw pillows. Use soft lighting and warm paint colors to make your waiting room feel more spa-like and less clinical.
For our patients, waiting rooms are a part of life. However, adding simple extras can make patients feel comfortable and peaceful rather than anxious and frustrated. With a small investment and a bit of creativity, you can make your waiting room a pleasant and positive place for your patients. If you have an exceptional waiting room we’d love to see it! Share photos of your arthritis-friendly waiting areas on our Facebook and tell us how you like to keep your patients comfortable.
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