For the most expert and compassionate healthcare providers, conflict is often part of the daily landscape. How do you handle stressful scheduling, difficult families, disagreements with colleagues, gossip, differences in professional opinion, colleagues who do not engage or who lack boundaries, diverse styles of personality and administration?
Louise Phipps Senft, the best-selling author of Being Relational: the Seven Ways to Quality Interaction & Lasting Change, will share key Relational Moments and secrets for lifting up the potential for greater well-being in every conflicted human interaction and every negotiation. Her company, Baltimore Mediation, has worked with thousands of people in conflict transformation across the globe. She will inspire you to consider a radically different choice the next time you are in a difficult situation. Join us in Kanas City as we Get Jazzed about Rheumatology and learn to deal with conflict in our healthcare environment.
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